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Professional Ghost Mannequin Photography For Low Cost Offered By EtherArts Product Photography In Atlanta And Tampa

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Professional ghost mannequin photography need not be expensive. EtherArts Photography offers this professional service at fraction of the cost for great success

Exceptional product photography shouldn't be expensive and we're dedicated to delivering stunning visuals that fits client's budget. Cheap doesn't mean bad, it just means everyone can afford it.”
— EtherArts Product Photography

ATLANTA, GA, USA, July 25, 2024 / -- The Art of Professional Ghost Mannequin Photography for E-commerce Success takes years and gears of experience and technology.

Product Photographer Atlanta, EtherArts Photography offers this service at low prices for all small, medium and large businesses since its inception in 2009.

In the competitive world of e-commerce, high-quality product images are crucial for attracting customers and driving sales. One of the most effective techniques for showcasing apparel in an appealing and professional manner is ghost mannequin photography. This method involves photographing clothing on a mannequin and then digitally removing the mannequin to create the illusion of a hollow or "ghostly" garment. At EtherArts Product Photography & Graphics, the professional photographers focuses on the steps and techniques involved in professional ghost mannequin photography, ensuring that the e-commerce brand stands out with compelling product visuals.

The Importance of Ghost Mannequin Photography and why is it so expensive? This a question asked by many.

Ghost mannequin photography provides several advantages:

Professional Appearance: The technique gives garments a 3D, lifelike look that flat images can't achieve. This helps customers better visualize how the clothing will fit and appear in real life.

Focus on the Product: By removing the mannequin, the focus remains solely on the garment, eliminating any distractions.

Consistency: It allows for a uniform presentation across various products, enhancing the overall aesthetics of your e-commerce site.

Step-by-Step Process of Ghost Mannequin Photography: This is a time consuming and tedious process.


Choosing the Right Mannequin: Select a mannequin that fits the size and style of the garment. Mannequins with detachable parts are ideal as they make the editing process easier. These mannequin are expensive and add to the pricing of the work.

Setting Up the Studio: Ensure the studio is well-lit. Soft, diffused lighting works best to avoid harsh shadows. A plain white or neutral-colored background is recommended to make the post-processing simpler. The gear used to accomplish this is expensive as well.

Photographing the Garment:

Dressing the Mannequin: Carefully dress the mannequin, ensuring that the clothing fits well and is free of wrinkles. Use pins or clips if necessary to achieve a perfect fit. This forms the time-consuming part of the process.

Positioning the Camera: Use a tripod to maintain consistency in the shots. Position the camera at the same height as the center of the garment and ensure it's level to avoid distortions.

Taking Multiple Shots: Capture the garment from various angles—front, back, and sides. Take additional shots of details like collars, cuffs, and pockets. Also, photograph the inner part of the garment separately if it has unique features.


Removing the Mannequin: Using photo editing software like Adobe Photoshop, start by opening the images. Use the Pen Tool or Magic Wand Tool to select and remove the mannequin, ensuring the garment retains its natural shape.

Combining Layers: For the 3D effect, combine the main image with the inner parts shot. Use layer masks to seamlessly blend the layers together, creating the illusion that the garment is floating.

Refining Edges and Details: Use tools like the Clone Stamp Tool and Healing Brush Tool to clean up any imperfections. Pay close attention to edges and fine details to ensure the garment looks realistic.

Color Correction and Final Touches: Adjust the color balance, brightness, and contrast to ensure the garment’s colors are true to life. Apply any final touches, such as sharpening the image, to enhance the overall appearance.

EtherArts Photography Tips for Effective Ghost Mannequin Photography
Attention to Detail: Ensure the garment is well-prepared before photographing. Every wrinkle, fold, and imperfection will be magnified in the final image.

Consistent Lighting: Uniform lighting is crucial for maintaining consistency across different shots. Inconsistent lighting can create unwanted shadows and color discrepancies. At EtherArts, the professional have it all covered.

High-Resolution Images: Use a high-resolution camera to capture every detail. This allows for better quality images and more flexibility in post-processing.

Professional Editing Software: Invest in professional photo editing software. While there are many options available, Adobe Photoshop remains the industry standard due to its extensive range of tools and capabilities.

Practice and Patience: Mastering ghost mannequin photography takes time and practice. Experiment with different techniques and settings to find what works best for your products.

EtherArts Product Photography being an Amazon photographer, are equipped to undertake Ghost mannequin photography as a part of is an invaluable technique for e-commerce businesses, providing a professional and consistent way to showcase apparel. For more information on how ghost apparel is used for Amazon store, please visit-

With their new locations in Atlanta and Miami, EtherArts Photography now offers Nationwide product photography for Amazon, Ebay and any other e-commerce marketplace. To get professional ghost mannequin photography, contact EtherArts for a quick and best quote in this industry.

EtherArts Product Photography & Graphics
+1 770-690-9389
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