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Xi Jinping Awards Tajik President Emomali Rahmon the "Friend...

On the afternoon of July 5, 2024 local time, President Xi Jinping held a grand awarding ceremony at the Presidential Palace in Dushanbe and awarded Tajik President Emomali Rahmon the "Friendship Medal".

The Hall of Mirrors of the Presidential Palace is splendid and resplendent, with the national flags of China and Tajikistan shining in mutual radiance. The pattern of the golden "Friendship Medal" was especially eye-catching on the huge red background board.

Amidst majestic music and enthusiastic applause, Xi Jinping and Emomali Rahmon stepped into the hall and ascended the awarding platform together.

The military band played the national anthem of the People's Republic of China.

Xi Jinping delivered a speech.

Xi Jinping pointed out, "Today, we hold a grand ceremony to award the highest honor of the People's Republic of China for foreigners, the 'Friendship Medal', to Tajik President Emomali Rahmon, an old friend of the Chinese people. This is the first time for the Chinese side to award the 'Friendship Medal' outside of China, which is a special arrangement to express the friendship of the Chinese people toward President Emomali Rahmon and the Tajik people."

Xi Jinping noted that President Emomali Rahmon, a senior leader and statesman in the Eurasian region, is the founder and promoter of China-Tajikistan relations. Under the personal care and vigorous promotion of President Rahmon and Chinese leaders, China-Tajikistan relations have withstood the test of the changing international landscape and achieved leapfrog development from one of good-neighborliness to a strategic partnership and then to a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. Cooperation in various fields has yielded fruitful results, and the everlasting friendship has taken deep root in the people's hearts. Xi Jinping said that last year, he and President Rahmon jointly announced the building of a China-Tajikistan community with a shared future featuring everlasting friendship, solidarity and mutual benefit, charting a new course and setting new goals for the future development of bilateral relations.

Xi Jinping stressed that this weighty "Friendship Medal" embodies the outstanding contributions of President Rahmon to the development of China-Tajikistan relations and reflects the high expectations of various sectors of both societies for a bright future of China-Tajikistan relations. Xi Jinping expressed his readiness to work with President Rahmon to stay committed to good-neighborly friendship, uphold the principles of mutual benefit and win-win results, and jointly lead the China-Tajikistan relationship to make big strides forward, with a view to delivering more benefits to the two countries and peoples.

Wang Yi read out the Order of Commendation of the President of the People's Republic of China.

Chinese honor guard, holding high the national flags of China and Tajikistan, escorted the "Friendship Medal" of the People's Republic of China into the hall.

Xi Jinping presented Rahmon with the medal, and the two heads of state shook hands cordially. The audience erupted in prolonged applause.

The military band played the national anthem of Tajikistan.

Emomali Rahmon delivered a speech of gratitude. He expressed his appreciation to President Xi Jinping for awarding him the "Friendship Medal", the highest honor of the People's Republic of China, noting that this honor is a recognition and affirmation of the abiding commitment of the Tajik people to developing a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with China. China is a great neighbor and a reliable partner of Tajikistan. There are no political differences or obstacles to cooperation between the two countries, and bilateral relations are based on a high degree of mutual understanding, mutual respect and mutual support. Over the years, China has provided Tajikistan with a lot of selfless and valuable assistance, which has greatly promoted the economic development of Tajikistan, for which the Tajik people are sincerely grateful.

Rahmon said President Xi Jinping is a great leader with profound historical insight and a broad global vision. Several global initiatives proposed by President Xi Jinping are conducive to promoting peace and progress for humanity. The Tajik side will remain committed to building a Tajikistan-China community with a shared future. He expressed the belief that President Xi Jinping's visit will surely open a new chapter in the Tajikistan-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership in the new era, and will continue to lead the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to make new contributions to achieving common development and prosperity of regional countries.

During the awarding ceremony, the participating guests rose to their feet and gave a long standing ovation more than ten times.

Cai Qi, among others, attended the ceremony.