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DG Okonjo-Iweala: More collaboration is needed to help Africa reap benefits of cotton trade

DG Okonjo-Iweala commended the studies on cotton value chain development in the C4+ (Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali and Côte d'Ivoire) conducted by the International Trade Centre (ITC), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and Gherzi Textile Organization, a textile management company.  She thanked FIFA and the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) for their sponsorship of the studies. The studies demonstrate the WTO has a big role to play in continuing to bring this partnership together," she said.

The DG highlighted the growing engagement from both public and private sectors in the "Partenariat pour le Coton" initiative. She noted its success in involving key players, including Afreximbank, Better Cotton Initiative (BCI), Cotton Made in Africa (CmiA), FIFA, the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC), ITC, UNIDO and the WTO. DG Okonjo-Iweala expressed the hope that the Africa Finance Corporation (AFC) and the Islamic Trade Finance Corporation(ITFC) would also join the initiative soon.

The Director-General stated: "Each of our partners can play a role" with their unique strengths, ranging from financial support and business planning to skill training, certification, standard setting, logistics provision, and infrastructure building. This wide range of expertise is vital for supporting the development of the C-4 and other cotton-producing countries in Western and Central Africa, she said.

The DG highlighted key findings from the assessment studies. Despite persisting challenges in moving up the cotton value chain, the C4+ countries can leverage their ample labour supply and significant potential to produce quality apparel domestically. She noted that the African cotton sector has the potential to create 500,000 direct jobs, especially for women and young people.

The DG emphasized the need for investment in infrastructure. She pointed out the importance of establishing industrial parks to generate added value in the cotton-apparel trade. She also stressed the need to enhance regional integration in the African cotton industry before expanding into external markets.

The Director-General said that the WTO-FIFA led initiative marked an important step in helping Africa capture a larger share of the lucrative sports apparel market, valued at approximately USD 260 billion.

Looking forward, the Director-General stressed the need for all partners of "Partenariat pour le Coton" to work in unison.  She reaffirmed the WTO's commitment to advancing negotiations on cotton and agricultural reform. "We shouldn't give up on [talks on] the Agriculture Agreement and the cotton initiative within it," she concluded.

Signing of joint declaration

Earlier in the day, representatives from a group of organizations — including AFC, ITFC, ITC, UNIDO and the WTO — signed a joint declaration. They affirmed their cooperation in investing in and supporting the WTO's cotton value chain development projects in African countries.

The joint declaration states that the signatories will promote cooperation in developing programmes that support private sector engagement and investment in the Cotton-4 countries and other cotton-producing countries in West and Central Africa, aiming to boost the region's production capacity. The parties also pledged to focus on establishing integrated regional hubs for sourcing sustainable textiles and clothing.
