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Tamil Eelam Freedom Charter to be Declared on May 18th - the 4th Anniversary of Mass Killing of Tamils in Sri Lanka

/ - May 15, 2013:

• Several renowned international personalities and dignitaries are attending this event to give their support.

• As Tamils envision the future and look forward to the fruition of Tamil Eelam, the Freedom Charter containing the Freedom Demands of Tamils worldwide, would be a cornerstone of Tamil's Freedom.

- Tamil Eelam Freedom Charter will be declared on May 18, 2013. May 18th marks the 4th anniversary of the killing of tens of thousands of Tamil civilians and sexually assaulting Tamil women by the Sri Lankan Security forces during the final months of the war.

Tamil groups from around the world, coordinated by the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE), initiated the process of drafting the Freedom Charter, through extensive consultation from Tamils worldwide.

Several renowned international personalities and dignitaries are attending this event to give their support for this initiative. A three day conference will take place in the run up to the declaration, where several research papers dealing with varies issues relating to Tamil's freedom, are going to be submitted by leading academics from around the world.

This declaration will take place in the historic city of Lancaster, Pennsylvania in the USA, where Mr. Thaddeus Stevens played a leading role in legally abolishing slavery. He was also instrumental in US President Abraham Lincoln's 1863 Emancipation Proclamation, which freed slaves.

“As Tamils envision the future and look forward to the fruition of Tamil Eelam, the Freedom Charter containing the Freedom Demands of Tamils worldwide, would be a cornerstone of Tamil's Freedom,” said Mr. Rudrakumaran, the Prime Minister of Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE).

“Aspiring to take the Vaddukoddai Resolution - which called for the creation of Tamil Eelam - forward, taking inspiration from Britain’s Magna Carta, the Freedom Charter of the African National Congress (ANC) and the Palestinian National Charter, the Tamil Eelam Freedom Charter will enshrine the Freedom Demands of our people”, continued Mr. Rudrakumaran.


According to a UN Panel around 70,000 thousand Tamils civilians were killed in the final five months of the war, due to deliberate and intense carpet bombing of areas designated by the government as "no-fire zones", where Tamils assembled for safety. The Sri Lankan Government also restricted food and medicine for Tamils, resulting in large numbers of people dying from starvation and many of the injured bleeding to death. Currently, there are over 90,000 Tamil war widows facing sexual abuse by the Sri Lankan Security forces.

In addition to the killings thousands of Tamils have disappeared, Tamil women were sexually assaulted and raped, large numbers of Tamils are imprisoned without trial and abductions are continuing to this day. Tamils are singled out to face these abuses simply and solely on account of their Tamil nationality. Members of the Sri Lankan Security forces are almost exclusively from the Sinhalese ethnic group and the victims are all from the Tamil ethnic group.

About Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE):

Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) is a new political concept. It is a new political formation based on the principles of nationhood, homeland and self-determination. The raison dâetre for the TGTE is lack of political space inside the island of Sri Lanka for the Tamils to articulate and realize their political aspirations fully due to Constitutional impediments, racist political environment and military strangulation; and the coordination of diaspora political activities based on democratic principles and the rule of law.

TGTE held internationally supervised elections in 12 countries. These elections were held to ensure that core believe of democracy be upheld within the TGTE and to demonstrate TGTE’s belief and reliance upon democratic ideals. TGTE has a bicameral legislature and a Cabinet. Although an elected body, TGTE does not claim to be a government in exile. The Constitution of the TGTE mandates that it should realize its political objective only through peaceful means.

Presently, in addition to the campaign for an international investigation, the TGTE is also campaigning for an International Protection Mechanism and the release of documents pertaining to Tamils prepared by the Office of the Special Advisor of the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide. TGTE is also in the process of preparing the Freedom Charter incorporating the “freedom demands” of Tamils across the globe.

TGTE believes that the referendum among the Tamils inside the island of Sri Lanka and the Tamil diaspora will contribute to the political resolution of the Tamil national conflict. So far, the human cost has reached 100,000 as it grows. There are also 90,000 Tamil war widows, facing sexual abuse by the Sri Lankan security forces.

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