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Home in Care Nursery Service is a Solutions for 'Well for Life'

STANFORD, CA, UNITED STATES, May 25, 2024 / -- Recently Quick Angel Home in Care Group unveils its solutions for 'Well for Life' at Health Matters, a free community health event hosted by Stanford Medicine, which explores the latest advances in medicine, health, and wellness.

Health Matters community event, has unique appeal, especially for middle-aged and elderly individuals. Health and longevity are among life's most precious treasures, and the pursuit of quality longevity is a universal aspiration. This endeavor requires collective efforts and exploration, often referred to as "graceful aging." Dr. Zhang lijun, a research scholar at Stanford University School of Medicine and founder of Quick Angel Home in Care Group in China, is dedicated to studying nutrition intake and lifestyle, aiming to guide people toward a "Well for Life".

"Health, Independence, Longevity: a Collective Endeavor" - Dr. Zhang Lijun

"People yearn to understand the latest medical advancements and seek guidance for healthy living. Particularly in the realms of preventive care, anti-aging, and graceful aging, there is a strong consensus among them. These sentiments left a profound impression on me," said Dr. Zhang lijun.

During the event, world-renowned medical professors and experts from Stanford University delved into several crucial topics.

Nutrition and Health
The importance of food in disease prevention and treatment was thoroughly explored. Experts shared the latest research findings, emphasizing the pivotal role of food in maintaining health and preventing chronic diseases. They advocated for selecting anti-inflammatory foods, ensuring adequate intake of antioxidants, nutrients, and micronutrients, and adhering to a balanced diet and moderate exercise to enhance immunity, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and maintain overall health.

Brain Resilience and Cognitive Health
The latest neuroscience research findings were discussed, focusing on methods to protect and enhance cognitive function. Under this topic, the importance of stress reduction, maintaining good sleep, regular exercise, and cultivating healthy social relationships was emphasized. Through these methods, individuals can enhance the flexibility and adaptability of their brains, thereby maintaining good cognitive function.

Protecting Heart Health
The significance of heart health was underscored, along with methods to shield the heart from the impact of cardiovascular diseases. From appropriate exercise regimens and cardiovascular screening methods to medication and healthy lifestyle choices, comprehensive advice was provided to help individuals maintain heart health across different age groups.

Exploring Health Together
In addition, the event included discussions on mental health, cancer screening, nutritional counseling, and other aspects of healthy living. Besides physical health, mental well-being is also a crucial health indicator, while economic independence and addressing loneliness are also essential for independent living, among other factors.

The insights shared by experts were akin to guiding lights, illuminating the path toward "well-being." Their profound perspectives flowed like fresh spring water, nurturing people's aspirations for a better life. They elucidated the essence of life in scientific language, igniting people's pursuit of health with professional knowledge. Dr. Zhang lijun believes that the experts painted a vivid picture of a healthy and graceful life. They pointed out that achieving health and grace in life requires collective exploration, continual adjustment of lifestyle through scientific methods and practical experience, and continuous improvement of cognitive and health levels - a joint endeavor towards a happy life.

In conclusion, Dr. Zhang lijun advocates for "graceful aging" and collaborates with experts to explore the path to health, co-writing the chapter of health and grace in life. Their efforts and contributions have paved the way for people to achieve health and happiness, adding more hope and possibilities to people's lives. Let us join hands, encourage each other, and support each other on this path, using people's actions to compose people's own chapter of "Well for Life."


Fan Yang
Quick Angel Home in Care Group
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