Police Offer Burglary Prevention Tips To Public

August 5, 2020

Following recent reports of burglaries and prowlers at residential premises, the Bermuda Police Service is reminding home owners to observe crime prevention measures “in order to minimise the attraction and impact of these acquisitive crimes.”

A police spokesperson said, “Following recent reports of burglaries and prowlers at residential premises, home owners are reminded to observe a few basic crime prevention measures in order to minimise the attraction and impact of these acquisitive crimes.”

Detective Sergeant Clifford Roberts of the BPS Crime Division said, “Simple measures such as ensuring the locks on your windows and other access points are properly installed and functioning, outdoor lighting is properly secured and in good working order.

“Installing motion activated outside lighting, installing or refreshing existing alarm systems and/or CCTV helps in target hardening your property and can certainly go a long way in deterring criminals from selecting your premises.

“In addition, if you see suspicious activities or persons around your premises, make note of the individual[s] and contact the police immediately. While you may think it helpful, please refrain from posting on social media, images or videos of possible criminal activity around your home.”

The police spokesperson said, “For further crime prevention advice, please contact a reputable security company or Inspector Scott Devine at 717-2180 [e-mail sdevine@bps.bm] to identify the appropriate Community Action Team [CAT] officer responsible for your neighbourhood.

“You may also visit the BPS YouTube channel, Bermuda Police TV, for more burglary prevention tips.

“In closing, the general public is urged to assist police in making Bermuda safer by reporting suspicious activity and providing any relevant information by calling 211, the main police telephone number 295-0011 or the independent and confidential Crime Stoppers hotline 800-8477.”

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