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Mitch Gould of Nutritional Products International Discusses Retail Trends and Industry Insights for 2024

Mitch Gould, Founder and CEO of NPI

BOCA RATON, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, July 17, 2024 / -- Mitch Gould, the CEO and Founder of Nutritional Products International (NPI), brings over 35 years of experience in retail distribution to the forefront as he discusses emerging trends and opportunities within the industry for 2024. Gould's extensive background includes securing orders from major brands for key players in the retail space, such as Walmart, Amazon, GNC, Vitamin World, Target, Costco, Sam’s Club, K-Mart, 7-11, CVS, and Rite Aid.

“Throughout my career, I’ve visited and procured orders for major brands from all the key players in the retail space, including giants like Walmart, Amazon, GNC, Vitamin World, Target, Costco, Sam’s Club, K-Mart, 7-11, CVS, and Rite Aid,” noted Gould. His visits to these major retail headquarters have provided invaluable insights. “Stepping into vast corporate complexes that resemble small cities, particularly at Walmart, Costco, and Target, is a unique experience,” he added.

At the helm of NPI, Gould has developed the 'Evolution of Distribution' model, designed to equip manufacturers with a comprehensive suite of services necessary for successful product launches, including sales, marketing, logistics, and web development. “We’ve developed the ‘Evolution of Distribution’ model, which equips manufacturers with a comprehensive suite of services needed for successful product launches,” explained Gould.

Gould's Industry Insights and 2024 Retail Trends
Gould, recognized globally as a marketing guru, has also represented icons from the sports and entertainment worlds, including Steven Seagal, Hulk Hogan, Ronnie Coleman, Roberto Clemente Jr., Chuck Liddell, and Wayne Gretzky. His extensive network and deep industry knowledge position him uniquely to provide insights into the future of retail.

As the retail industry continues to evolve, Gould identifies several key trends and opportunities for 2024:
Value at the Forefront: Consumers are seeking value more than ever. Retailers that focus on providing high-quality, cost-effective products will be well-positioned to succeed.

Digital Transformation: Advances in digital technology are reshaping the retail landscape. Consumers are increasingly relying on digital platforms for their shopping needs, driving retailers to enhance their online presence and delivery capabilities.

Leveraging AI: Artificial intelligence is becoming a crucial tool for forecasting trends and managing inventory. Retailers are using AI to predict consumer demands and streamline operations, ensuring they can meet customer needs efficiently.

Health and Wellness Focus: There is a growing demand for health and wellness products. Retailers that offer a range of health-related items and services, such as in-store clinics and wellness programs, will attract health-conscious consumers.

Looking Ahead
Industry executives are optimistic about the prospects for their businesses in 2024. Leading chain drug and distribution executives have provided their outlook, highlighting both challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for their companies and the industry as a whole.

For more information about Mitch Gould and Nutritional Products International, please visit

NPI is a privately held company specializing in the retail distribution of nutraceuticals, dietary supplements, functional beverages, and skin-care products. NPI offers a unique, proven approach for product manufacturers worldwide seeking to launch or expand their products' distribution in the U.S. retail market.

Gould, known as a global marketing guru, also has represented icons from the sports and entertainment worlds such as Steven Seagal, Hulk Hogan, Ronnie Coleman, Roberto Clemente Jr., Chuck Liddell, and Wayne Gretzky.

Kayla Zadel
InHealth Media
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