SAVANNAH, Ga. (WSAV) — With severe weather on the forecast, the Red Cross wants everyone in our area to check their emergency plans. Here’s what you need to do: Make an emergency kit– and if you already have one, check and make sure everything in that kit works. A few items you should have in there include working flashlights, a radio, at least one gallon of water per person in your home, a first-aid kit and extra batteries. Make a plan–map out and discuss a plan of action in case something happens. Be sure to practice that plan. Remember to consider any special needs a family member may have and don’t forget your pets.Another thing you can do is download an emergency app like the one from the Red Cross to keep you informed. Remember,if you can hear thunder, you are close enough to the storm to be struck by lightning. If you are caught outside and cannot reach a safe building, avoid high ground, water or tall, isolated trees and metal objects such as fences or bleachers. Picnic shelters, dugouts and sheds are not safe.If a tornado warning occurs, find the safest place in your home, such as a basement or room with no windows.