ROCKFORD, Ill. (WTVO) — Two scholastic teams featured on the Bergstrom Stateline Quiz Bowl TV show are getting a chance to perform on the national stage.

Keith Country Day and Winnebago will head to the Chicago area this weekend for the National Academic Quiz Tournament’s Small School National Championship.

“This is a phenomenal group,” said coach Kristin Burns. “One of the really special things about Keith Country Day School is we have kids from ages 3, through seniors in high school. All the time they put in at practices and tournaments, really, it’s a devoted, devoted group of kids.”

Burns said the team has developed a special bond over time.

“All the tournaments we go to, like, we all try to ride together. We have traditions. We’re like, we stop at Dunkin Donuts and we’re all just very close and we all look forward to tournaments because even if the tournament doesn’t go as well, like, you know, we’re all really good friends and, you know, we spend a lot of time together during the Quiz Bowl season,” said team captain Hadley Slawson.

“I also like how we’re able to like, work together as a team, even though we all have different strengths. Personally, I’m a science person, especially in life sciences and chemistry. That’s my strong suit and I’m pretty good at getting those questions. But like Colby here, Colby is a huge history buff, Colby knows a lot of history. So those questions really come easily to him,” he added.

Regardless of placement, coach Burns said she is proud of their growth.

“I was telling them, ‘do your best.’ I said, ‘As long as you can look me in the eye at the end of the day and say, you know what? I did my best.’ That’s all I’m asking for because I know these kids are fantastic. They’ve worked hard and they’ve certainly earned the privilege of being there,” she said.

The National Championship Tournament runs April 28th through the 30th at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare in Rosemont.